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Showing posts from 2016

Chrome flags

So, chrome is my favourite web browser but by default it has some annoyances. Luckily these can be fixed by editing the flags page: chrome://flags/ My pet peeves are: Overscroll history navigation : this constantly wants me to go back a page if i don't scroll perfectly up and down on the thinkpad pointing stick mouse Smooth Scrolling : makes everything seem laggy and unresponsive. Like mouse smoothing on games, never wanted. These are easily turned off in the flags page

Generating binary vectors in Matlab

More of a note to self than a blog post, but a really useful way to generate vectors of binary numbers in Matlab is the following dec2bin(Num,nBits)-'0' This generates a vector of "nBits" in length for number "Num". The '0' at the end converts it from a string into a vector for some reason. E.g. dec2bin(3,4)-'0' = [0 0 1 1] I found this out from Stack Overflow:

Latex package clash

Annoyingly, when trying to use the IOP journal template with the amsmath package you receive an error saying ! LaTeX Error: Command \equation* already defined.                Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual. which is caused by both amsmath and iopart having a definition for \equation*. This error occurs whether or not you are using \equation*. Not using amsmath makes writing maths so horrific you may as well use Word, but there is a way round; place the following lines before importing the amsmath package: \expandafter\let\csname equation*\endcsname\relax \expandafter\let\csname endequation*\endcsname\relax This removes the \equation* definition from iopart so that there isn't a clash when amsmath is imported. Perfect! Now you can use \align, \eqref, \text , etc. which are not part of the iopart package. I found this solution on stack exchange , but it took quite a while to find. Happy Latexing!

UK Tax Credits 2: The tax credits

In the last post I looked at how much of your pay check goes into national insurance and tax both in absolute value and percentage. In this post I look at how much it is possible to claim in tax credits and how this would have changed under the now scrapped cuts proposed in the summer. The tax credit system as a whole is pretty complicated and there are many rules and regulations about who can claim etc. There are also added complications when situations change during a year, for example due to change in earnings or birth of a child. I will not look at the complicated edge cases but rather some simple situations so that trends can be seen. I am also not in any way an expert in taxes, in fact I have spend the vast majority of my life in education and therefore not paying any tax. Furthermore even though I currently have a job and pay tax it is in Germany, so I have no first hand experience. This study is purely for curiosity's sake. To accurately calculate your own claim to tax c...

Garmin Forerunner 305 and Linux

I have been struggling to get my Garmin Forerunner 305 to work with Linux Mint 16. I have tried the plug in developed for Ubuntu ( here ) but kept getting an error about my device not being supported despite the software detecting it. The key ( described here ) to getting it to work was to create /etc/udev/rules.d/51-garmin.rules then add (sudo vim) ATTRS{idVendor}=="091e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="666" save and restart. Now when I type "lsusb" I get Bus 003 Device 015: ID 091e:0003 Garmin International GPS (various models) showing that the device is connected. Now I can use the Garmin Connect software on firefox as long as I am in "classic mode". It is possible to use "gpsbabel" and the frontend "gpsbabel-gui" (in the software centre) to connect to the Garmin and save the tracks to a .tcx file so that you can do a manual upload. As a non-software fix, check the contacts on the watch and the USB ...